Tuesday, December 4, 2012

21 Questions Hair Tag

  1. Why did you start taking better care of your hair? My hair was really damaged from me coloring it and just not taking care of it. I did not like how it was breaking off.
  2. What are your 2 favorite hair products? Sweet Almond Oil and Elasta QP Olive Oil & Mango Butter Moisturizer
  3. Who's hair did you admire as a child? My mom and grandmother
  4. What is your ultimate goal length? Waist length maybe even Hip length (its hard to imagin now but I can't wait)
  5. How are you going to celebrate when you reach your ultimate goal length? I will decrease the number of days I wear protective styles
  6. Two styles you want to try at your goal length? I want a big body twist out and a bow bun
  7. Which do you prefer: Health or Length? Health because with health length will come, but long hair is not always healthy
  8. Which do you prefer: hair ties with no metal parts or butterfly clips? Hair ties with no metal parts!! I love them
  9. What products do you prefer: salon brands, organic brands, BSS brands, Drugstore brands, or other? Any as long as they don't have things like potroleium and wax. Even salon brands can have some crazy ingredients. I would like to get to the point where I use all organic brands, but my wallet just won't allow that right now.
  10. Which product/technique do you think is over-rated? None usually if a product/technique gets a lot of good reviews its because it works.
  11. Which product/technique do you think is under-rated? Honey, its not really a product but it makes a huge difference when I add it to my conditioner
  12. What is your favorite part of your hair regimen? Styling :)
  13. What is the most annoying part of your hair regimen? Detangling
  14. Oils or Butters? Oils
  15. Buns or Ponytails? Buns all day long
  16. Wigs or Weaves? Neither, I've never tried either one but some of my friends rock some great half wigs
  17. What is your opinion of growth aids? I think they help, but nothing is more important than a good regimen
  18. At what length do you consider hair long? Bra strap length
  19. When is the last time you visited a salon? Over a year ago to get a trim and almost 2 years to get a relaxer. I will be going in a few weeks to get a corrective relaxer.
  20. What do you like to surf most often: YouTube channels, personal blogs, or hair forums? Its a tie between YouTube and personal blogs
  21. And finally, what piece of advice would you give to someone just starting out on their hair journey? Look at the ingredients in everything you buy. When I first started I bought all kind of things only to throw them out a week later after I did more research. 


  1. Hip Length? Wow, we'll certainly be around for a while.lol

  2. It will be a long journey, but I am going to enjoy it. I won't know what to do with myself when I finally reach my ultimate goal.
